Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pumpkin Experience # 12

Pumpkin Experience # 12 (and yes I am getting weary) was a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Gloria Jean's. As a pumpkin freak, I have had my share of pumpkin spice latte's, and I've found that they can be amazing or just as easily can be too syrupy, creating a not great after taste. Gloria Jean's delivered beautifully. I opted to go without the whipped cream, and found that the drink was just the right amount of sweet and pumpkiny.

Also, it's clear that I am not going to get close to the 25-30 pumpkin posts I had hoped, so faithful readers, I am appealing to you. Anyone who has eaten or will eat anything pumpkiny over the rest of the month, sign in, and then respond to this blog with your critique. Together we may yet reach the hallowed number of 30 pumpkin posts!

Pumpkinocity: 9 out of 10
Held Needed: 12,347 out of 10

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