Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Oscar Buzz: Jeremy Renner in The Town

Michael here...

The more I think about it, the more I think that Ben Affleck isn't a horrible actor. I never really like him very much in what I see him in, but now I think that it's just that there are two or three other actors in his movies that I like more, the same was true of The Town. Jeremy Renner played Affleck's childhood friend, and stole every scene he was in. Many may remember Renner from his lead in The Hurt Locker. He doesn't disappoint in this role. Loyal, edgy, scary, but ultimately sympathetic, Renner filled his character perfectly, and gave a pretty good movie depth and connection, making it in my estimation a really good movie. I don't think Renner will be close to winning the award for Best Supporting Actor (should be a race between Christian Bale and Geoffrey Rush), but deserved to be nominated. The Town is worth seeing for Renner, and what ended up being a good story.

1 comment:

  1. I think you lost everyone on "Ben Affleck isn't a horrible actor" ;)
