Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Finally!!!!!.......A Blog??????

What to blog?

Well that question was easy enough to answer. The most substantive converstations that Tony and I tend to have revolve around one of the three topics listed in the title of this blog. Faith seems to be a topic that grows best when it is poked and prodded with difficult questions and honest discussions. We are a part of a small group that does just that, and the overflow of those conversations seemed to us to be good blogger fodder. As for film, I think I speak for Tony when I say that we are obsessive about good movies. In fact, we are rabid about ok movies, and pretty content with downright awful movies. Discussing good movies only adds to their depth, and proper movie digestion should be done with others. Lastly, a great meal is like the setting of a great play. It sets the stage for great discussions and sharing of life. Expect to see restaurants we love, dishes we crave and possibly recipes we massacre sprinkled through the following entries. Now for the more difficult question....

Why blog?

Seeing as there is about 2 billion blogs in existence, the majority of which cover faith, film, or food in some way, I don't think either of us expect to share anything deeply new or life changing. So far as I can tell the reasons to blog are as follows:

First, we both love new thoughts and perspectives and hope that our musings on faith, film, and food will encourage feedback. Neither of us have a problem with dissenting viewpoints. We are quite comfortable with people being wrong (just kidding). We hope that our thoughts will inspire other's thoughts which will in turn inspire us further. It's all very selfish really...

Second, I (Michael) have for some time suspected the CIA of listening in to discussions that Tony and I have been having only to steal the best of the ideas to sell to food and movie critics as well as to famous theologians. For instance check out the a portion of the comments made by a well known movie critic about the movie, "No Country for Old Men"....

"A truly great movie, I loved every minute!"

Now check out something I had said just days earlier....

"That movie was great, I really loved it!"

Coincidence? I think not.

So, this blog is our chance to take credit for all of the truly great ideas that cross our brains, and will ensure that faith, food, and film poachers like St. Augustine, Orson Welles, and the Apostle Paul will stop stealing our epiphanies.

Grace and Peace! (another example of a saying the Apostle Paul stole directly from me)

1 comment:

  1. It was all good until you mentioned the theivery of the Apostle Paul. Somehow it all fell to shreds at that point. ;)
